These editions were printed by Flatbed Press in Austin TX, and co-published by the Artist
These editions were printed by the artist at Zygote Press in Cleveland OH
Published by the Artist
The screen-print editions were printed at Texas State University by Jeff Dell and his students; the woodcut edition was printed by the artist at Constellation Studios

La incidencia del silencio, two-color woodcut – 10 x 8 in.
The SNAPline publication is published 3 times a year by The Society of Northern Alberta Print-artists (SNAP), a not-for-profit, artist-run centre in Canada; the publication is created around a theme or topic and engages a wide range of written and visual contributions from artists and writers.
For the 2019.3 Fragility edition I was commissioned to do an edition of 80, where I created a a two-color woodcut to be included with the publication.
Memoria Fracturada
The series consist of 58 images in a varied edition, to see more visit The Print Center Gallery Store
Selected images
quedó colgando después del enfrentamiento cabezas tomando evidencia forense espectadores bajo el área rocosa paramédicos capo AR-15 cuerpos con las manos atadas en la caja de la troca ave. de boca del rio Le volaron la cabeza Lote bravo A un lado de la llanta Encobijado Caída de un miembro mas Múltiples en la habitación En la madrugada Otros dos Farol
These editions were printed by Tom Druecker and Margaret Simpson at Slugfest Printmaking Workshop