Tatiana Reinoza, Ph.D. discusses my work on her article: “War at Home: Conceptual Iconoclasm in American Printmaking.” The essay was awarded the 2021 Schulman and Bullard Article Prize given by the Association of Print Scholars.
The essay and an image of my work are published on the catalog:
¡Printing the Revolution!: The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now by Claudia E. Zapata, Terezita Romo, E. Carmen Ramos, and Tatiana Reinoza.
Published by the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC, in association with Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 2020.
ISBN: 978-0-69-121080-3

Peenemünde Project: Geschichte wird Kunst / Imprinting History
With texts by Philipp Aumann, Till Richter and works by Gregorio Iglesias Mayo and Miguel A. Aragón. Published by EDITION BRAUS Berlin GmbH
This publication catalogs the artwork of Miguel A. Aragón and Gregorio Iglesias Mayo, created at the Historisch-Technisches Museum and done in cooperation between the HTM and the Till Richter Museum.
The book also provides a history to the space and insights into the artists’s work written by Dr. Philipp Aumann and Dr. Till Richter respectively; texts are in German and English.
ISBN: 978-3-86228-165-7

2019.3 Fragility
Printmaking processes can be materially fragile: litho stones break in the press, silkscreens rip open mid-edition, and the malleable surface of etched copper plates begin to break down during printing. All the ways of eking out a living as an artist can also feel fragile, precarious, and oftentimes not even possible. The content and contributions for this edition of SNAPline reached much further, filling out this issue with a nuance and attention to detail that we are proud to publish. SNAPline featured artist Miguel A. Aragón’s energy is obvious in the integrity of his work and his ability to create something so moving and thoughtful out of a state of ongoing violence and trauma.
Published by The Society of Northern Alberta Print-Artists (SNAP) in Edmonton, AB Canada.